Ensure that the Web container thread pool is tuned to a high enough level to accommodate Web service requests, if applicable for your application. 确保Web容器线程池调优到一个足够高的级别以适应Web服务请求(如果适用于您的应用程序)。
Each container ( or connection pool manager, like PoolMan) provides its own mechanism for creating a DataSource, and it is in this mechanism that the JTA magic is hidden. 每个容器(或连接池管理器,如PoolMan)都提供它自己的创建DataSource机制,JTA魔术就隐藏在这个机制中。
The Application Server web container uses a thread pool to service the large number of concurrent requests. ApplicationServerWeb窗口会使用一个线程池来处理这样大数量的并发请求。
Prior to WebSphere Application Server V6. x, a one-to-one mapping existed between the number of concurrent client connections and the threads in the Web container thread pool. 在WebSphereApplicationServerV6.x之前,并发客户机连接与Web容器线程池中的线程之间存在一一对应的关系。
Because message beans are stateless and managed by the container, they can both send and receive messages concurrently ( the container simply grabs another bean out of the pool). 由于消息bean是无状态的,并且由容器进行管理,因此它们并发地发送和接收消息(容器只是简单地将另一个bean从池中提出)。
The Web Container thread pool sizes for SOAP/ HTTP requests SOAP/HTTP请求的Web容器线程池大小
Badeschiff is an old barge or cargo container that has been converted into a public swimming pool in Berlin, Germany. 德国柏林一处由船舶改造成的公共游泳池。
Moving Liquid Container& Design of the Indoor Swimming Pool of Shanghai Weiyu Middle School 运动的水容器&上海位育中学游泳馆设计